Communi-tea cafe

Our Communi-tea cafe opened in April 2016 largely at the request of the community of people living in Blackbird Leys.
One question on a survey at the Leys Fair 2015 asked what people would like to see the church doing. The vast majority of answers asked for a cafe. Shortly afterwards two ladies came and asked if they could start up a Caribbean cafe, and Communi-tea was launched.
Our beloved cook Sylvia retired in December 2022 and so came the Joey era! Joey has been cooking for us since January 2023 and through quite difficult circumstances is ploughing on with a whole lot of equipment that needs replacing, and inadequate heating yet we continue to hope for a new building and a purpose built catering kitchen and cafe.
We are open Monday to Friday 10am-3.00pm for breakfasts, coffee, and lunches. Takeaway lunches also available.
Please note the menu is a snapshot of what is often available but our menu changes daily.